Marieke Beens and why Houding & Balans

Marieke Beens

In 2003 I graduated and started as a oefentherapeut Mensendieck. I first gained more work experience by substituting for different colleagues. From 2005 til 2019 I have enjoyed working in my own practice in Tubbergen.  In 2017 I also started in Enschede and in September 2019 Houding & Balans has  been solely based in Enschede.

Over the years my affinity within oefentherapie Mensendieck has come to lie with the treatment and support of:

  • Children and adolescents with posture problems and / or spine problems
  • Stress complaints, for example hyperventilation, headache and difficulty in relaxing (body and mind)
  • Hypermobility (excess joint mobility)

But you can also come to me with back problems, shoulders, neck and chronic complaints.

Houding & Balans (posture & Balance)

I chose this name because these are the two most important components in my work.
Posture & Balance articulate the essence of what I stand for as an oefentherapeut Mensendieck and as a person.
Posture is the basis for how you use your body, how you move. But your posture also shows how you feel physically and mentally and it supports what you say through body language.
Balance is the recurring theme throughout the entire treatment. A few examples:

  • Balance in posture and movement
  • Balance in physical strain and relaxation
  • Balance in what your body can bear and what it has to bear
  • Balance between body and mind

Combine these two components and this can mean a lot for your body and mind.

"You can learn to move consciously"